Support us

  ⚪ Support via VK - (gives access to exclusive posts)

  ⚫ Direct transfer - Sberbank (MIR): 2202 2062 3296 7757 (Nikolai Alexandrovixh)

  ⚪ For non-Russian transfers - Revolut:

By supporting development, you increase the chances of bringing the release day closer, and also provide the opportunity to make the game better.

The list of supporters will be indicated in the game, without indicating the amount of support. You can specify a name, nickname, in agreement with the developers. Contact us if you supported us but didn't see your name on the list.

We were supported by:

  ⚪ Rochev Anton

  ⚫ Istomina Oksana

  ⚪ Romanova Lyudmila

  ⚫ Vlasov Ruslan

  ⚪ Valuta Maria