About the game Go

Go was invented in Ancient China about 2000 years ago. It is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world.

Go is a strategy game in which players take turns placing stones at the intersections of the board. Stones placed on the board form groups. The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible by surrounding empty areas with your stones. You can lose stones, or “eat” your opponent’s stones by surrounding them.

Go differs from other board games in that there is no direct collision between opponents' stones. Instead, players compete in tactics and strategy, trying to control territory and create harmonious groups of stones. The ability to think creatively and control oneself in a critical situation - these are the skills that experienced players can boast of.

Go is not only a game, but also an aesthetics and a philosophy. A master becomes not the one who remembers the most moves, but the one who, after playing many games, learns to respect his opponent and continuously improve. Only by gaining self-control and inner harmony, by breaking the invisible walls within himself, can a Go player reach the heights of mastery.

There are many playing styles and strategies, as well as different skill levels - from beginner to professional. Both adults and children can join the game. The game develops logical thinking, spatial imagination, teaches patience and concentration. By regularly playing Go, you quietly develop the ability to analyze and make decisions, the skills of planning and predicting your opponent’s actions.

Today, Go is a popular game in many countries around the world, including China, Japan, Korea, the USA and Europe. International Go tournaments and championships are held, and players from different countries compete to be the best.

In Russia, the game of Go is recognized as an official sport. In 2021, Vladivostok hosted the World Amateur Go Championship 2021.